Monday, November 23, 2009

Method 12

We are life-long learners, no matter where we are or what our profession. The Web 2.0 online course reminds us that technology is always changing and that as librarians, we need to keep up with the changes. I like that the course is called a self- discovery because it truly is. As I completed the Web. 2.0 journey, I found some technologies that I couldn't wait to try and some that I decided would not be useful for elementary students.

Some of the technologies would be useful, but our own access to them through our school server makes them impossible to use. That is often frustrating. We learned delicious for saving our favorites so we would have online access, but we can't access delicious at school. Our option is to use bookmarking feature offered by Google.

My favorite discovery was tagging and social bookmarking. I have so many favorite sites saved and am looking forward to getting them organized, tagged and accessible wherever I am. I also will start using google documents so I can save and access my documents.

Thanks Texas State Library and Central Texas Library System!

Method 11

It was interesting to see all of the many different podcasts that are available in so many areas. My first introduction to podcasts was learning about the podcasts that university professors make available to their students. In addition to being a great tool for catching up when a class is missed, these podcasts are wonderful for those students who are auditory learners and need to hear the lecture again.

The Podcast Alley web site is especially helpful because you can use the dropdown menu to choose a podcast genre and then choose the ones you are interested in from there.

A podcast could also be used to post book trailers created by students. Just another cool way to promote books!

Number 10

The use of the wiki for camping is a great example of how to use it. I can see how a wiki just makes things more simple and saves time.

I tried to add my favorite blog to the wiki but it wouldn't let me. It said I had to steal the lock, but I didn't want to do that!

My favorite way a wiki is used is the one where it can be used as a pathfinder. I can see how people can add their own resources to the wiki and create an incredible subject guide.

Method 9

This year with the addition of GoogleMail we also got the chat feature. It's great for a quick question or just to say hi. I've used the chat feature to ask our secretary a question about a purchase order. It's faster than calling and email if you see they are already online.

The text and chat abbreviations are a little overwhelming. Does anyone have all those memorizied?? I think some of those are not so appropriate either.

I like the idea of IM reference services in the library.

Skype is new to me so I'll research it a little more.

Method 8

Social networking is a great way to find out what is going on with people you know and to find people who have been out of touch with. I think it is a great tool for high school, but wouldn't want to use it with my elementary kids. I do believe there are privacy issues and I have seen too many young adults post pictures and information that should be designated private but isn't. I've also read about teachers who have lost their job because of inappropriate stuff on their facebook page.

Social networking can also be a useful tool for anyone looking for a job or something related to business.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Method 7

Delicious sounds like a great way to organize all the web favorites I save. I plan to register and open an account and begin adding my favorites. I also like the idea of tagging the sites to help me find them more easily.

Method 6

TexShare Library Databases

This video is great for introducing the K-12 databases.

I like the idea of online photo sharing because I lost some photos when my computer crashed. If I had saved them to a photo sharing site, I could still access them. I also like the idea of letting family and friends access the photos. That will save time because normally I email them. I plan to upload my photos to flickr but not sure I will make them public.

Method 4

RSS Feeds:

These feeds appealed to me because they are library related and will keep me up to date. I think I will like using the RSS feeds because of the time savings. I won't have to go to these web sites daily, they will find me! I constantly check CNN so that is another that I will add.

Method 3

Method 3 is about Cloud Computing. The biggest benefit of cloud computing for me is the use of Google Docs. I like the idea of not having to email documents from my school email to my home email to use or change them. I also agree with Jenny Levine's comments about not completely trusting all of my information to be out there on a cloud.... I do plan to start saving documents to my Google Docs account as well as to my network drive at school.

Methods 1 and 2

I have learned the first of a dozen ways to two-step and am working on the second. This great online course from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission offers librarians a way to learn about emerging technologies from the convenience of their own computers. I am excited to learn about Web 2.0 tools!

Book Fair is Soon!

Get ready for the fall Scholastic Book Fair! Look for the newest adventures of Diary of a Wimpy Kid! Watch out for a visit from Geronimo Stilton!