Monday, October 12, 2009

Method 7

Delicious sounds like a great way to organize all the web favorites I save. I plan to register and open an account and begin adding my favorites. I also like the idea of tagging the sites to help me find them more easily.

Method 6

TexShare Library Databases

This video is great for introducing the K-12 databases.

I like the idea of online photo sharing because I lost some photos when my computer crashed. If I had saved them to a photo sharing site, I could still access them. I also like the idea of letting family and friends access the photos. That will save time because normally I email them. I plan to upload my photos to flickr but not sure I will make them public.

Method 4

RSS Feeds:

These feeds appealed to me because they are library related and will keep me up to date. I think I will like using the RSS feeds because of the time savings. I won't have to go to these web sites daily, they will find me! I constantly check CNN so that is another that I will add.

Method 3

Method 3 is about Cloud Computing. The biggest benefit of cloud computing for me is the use of Google Docs. I like the idea of not having to email documents from my school email to my home email to use or change them. I also agree with Jenny Levine's comments about not completely trusting all of my information to be out there on a cloud.... I do plan to start saving documents to my Google Docs account as well as to my network drive at school.

Methods 1 and 2

I have learned the first of a dozen ways to two-step and am working on the second. This great online course from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission offers librarians a way to learn about emerging technologies from the convenience of their own computers. I am excited to learn about Web 2.0 tools!

Book Fair is Soon!

Get ready for the fall Scholastic Book Fair! Look for the newest adventures of Diary of a Wimpy Kid! Watch out for a visit from Geronimo Stilton!